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Yoga foundations to Dragon Dance

Style of Yoga to be taught


Every morning we will start with pranayama (breathing exercises) and practice asanas in a vinyasa flow style incorporating a range of movements to strengthen, stretch, fold, unfold and twist ourselves, stimulating both physical and energetic bodies and using the breath to steer us through. We will focus on our foundations so if you are a beginner of any age, you will learn from the ground up, and if you are more experienced you will recap, take yourself to your own edge and feel our energetic lines. There will be new poses added as the week progresses, building towards a Dragon Dance – a graceful yoga flow with a Chinese influence. Also as the week goes on you will be able to incorporate some of the workshop information into your practice. The morning session will finish with a silent meditation for as short or long as suits each person.

In the evening we will slow it down incorporating a more yin style class holding the poses for a longer, relaxed, traction to help to deeply mobilise and stretch our joints. In a Yin yoga class we may only do 5 poses. For anyone who has not experienced this unique form of yielding yoga, hopefully you will come away a fan! The session will end with a guided meditation and pranayama.


Daily timetable for yoga retreat


07.30 Pranayama or morning meditation

08.00 Morning yoga practice

09.30 - 10.15 Breakfast buffet

11.00 Workshop (practical/theoretical) or free time

13.00 Lunch

15.00 Free time

19.00 Evening yoga practice

20.30 Meditation or Yoga Nidra

21.00 Evening meal

(Please note, this is a sample timetable and may be subject to change.)


There will be one workshop a day, it may be in the morning or afternoon. There is also the option to visit local markets on Wednesday and Sunday.


Your Rustic Retreats Journey

Welcome to a wonderful week of deep relaxation; delicious, healthy food; yoga to balance, strengthen and stretch you; meditation to look inside and get closer to yourself; workshops to educate and entertain; markets to treat yourself; a pool on the edge of a beautiful lemon grove to relax by, with a mountain range that changes colour as the day roles along; a moon so large at night that you feel you can touch it. All of this with a wonderful host, who loves the land, will educate you, make you smile and feel at home with his generosity of spirit.


Your workshop programme
The theme running through the following 4 workshops is based on Svadyaya – the study of the self. The better we know ourselves, the more peaceful and happier we become.


 Taste of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage


Thai Yoga Massage is well known for its balancing and restorative qualities. Through massaging others, you’ll become aware of your own breath and learn about the relationship of giving and receiving. We’ll look at basic skills and techniques to give a simple and effective massage to feet, some applied yoga leg stretches and massage techniques for back, shoulders, neck and face.


 An Exploration of Hip Opening

The pelvis is the centre of movement and gravity, and the seat of primal energy and power within our body. Tension and tightness restrict movement and circulation, create lower back pain, un-groundedness and weaken our whole structure. This workshop will explore how and why fundamental yoga postures help to keep our power house both physically and energetically mobile now and into old age.




Why a ‘Warrior’?


Have you ever wondered where the names for yoga postures come from? Why Warrior III when standing on 1 leg with an arm pointing up and King Dancer again on 1 leg again but your arm is horizontal and your knee bent? Well, here we’ll experience the physical posture alongside the deeply symbolic story from the Indian mythology behind a few well known poses, to enrich your understanding and embody the energy of the story in your own practice. These stories are a vehicle for reflection, self-examination and healing – both on and off your yoga mat.


 A Mudra for each Chakra


Mudras are gestures of the hand, face and body that promote physical health, psychological balance and spiritual awakening.’

Often if you hear something sad you will, without thinking, take your hand to cover your heart, or slightly tighten your eyelids/eyebrows when sceptical. These are non-verbal gestures that communicate mood or attitude. This workshop will look at incorporating mudras during a yoga practice with a positive, conscious attitude to enhance specific elements, the 7 main chakras and core qualities within us.

You will be taking home knowledge and experience from each workshop that you can incorporate into your practice, whether that be daily, weekly – or once in a blue moon!

By the time it came to the edge of the Forest The stream had grown-up, so that it was almost a River and, being grown-up, it did not run and jump and sparkle along as it used to do when it was younger, but moved more slowly. For it knew now where it was going, and it said to itself, “There is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” A.A Milne




It costs from €599 per person, including all meals, yoga, workshops & equipment. Not including flights or transfers. 


Get in touch with us to ask any questions, find out more about our retreat or reserve your place now for just €140 deposit.

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